Select Explore on a tile in the School Network Profile or School Profile dashboards to get more information about your school network's or school's high-level results. (School Leaders will see the icon on the School Profile.)
Using Explore, you can:
- Track changes in performance over five years for Star Reading and Star Maths (if data is available) or two years for Accelerated Reader. For Star metrics, this includes strand and standards data. For Accelerated Reader, you can view quiz data by book level, literary category (fiction or non-fiction), or by quiz type.
Note: The Star data that is shown depends on tests taken in a school network screening window set up on the Multi-Academy Trust Renaissance site (not individual school sites). Only tests taken in a school network screening window are shown. - Support root cause analysis and continuous improvement on your most important metrics with data comparison and filtering options.
- Identify key target areas, years, or groups of students who need attention from educators.
- Export a PNG image of a graph.
- View and export a data table.
- Present your school's stories of success and growth opportunities in meetings.
After selecting Explore, you can choose the years and data to view, to filter by student or by school data, to use other views, or to export data.
Choose the Years and Time Periods to View
Choose to view data for up to five school years for Star data or up to two years for Accelerated Reader.
For Star Reading and Star Maths, this allows you to compare data for specific school network screening windows across multiple years. When a year is selected (blue), its data is shown; when it is not selected (grey), its data is not shown. You can also select individual screening windows (such as Autumn, Winter, or Spring) within years; when a screening window is selected, the text is in dark blue, while when it is not selected, the text is grey.
For Accelerated Reader active students and quiz proficiency, data is shown for 28-day time periods, and you can compare data for similar time periods across multiple years. When a time period is selected, the text is in dark blue; when it is not, the text is grey.
For Accelerated Reader Quizzes Passed for the school year, data is shown by month instead of 28-day time period.
If the learning progressions selected in your Renaissance Learning Standards have been changed, or if the learning progressions that are selected have been updated over the summer, Star standard and domain/strand data from past years will not be available.
Depending on your selections, past data may include only students who are enrolled in active schools in the current school year or both currently enrolled students and those who are no longer enrolled. If you filter or compare by current year or most student characteristics, then only students who are currently enrolled in schools in the school network and who have the values you select are included. For example, if you filter for students who are currently in year 5, then the data will show students who are currently enrolled in schools in the school network who are in in year 5 now; you will see data over the selected years (when the students were in previous years).
If you filter or compare only by gender or primary ethnicity, the data will include both students who are enrolled now and those who were enrolled in the past so that you can see if there were differences in performance by gender or ethnicity over time. This is also true when you filter or compare by school level and/or school region.
See Student Information and Characteristics for more about students’ information.
View Proficiency Data by Standard (for Star Reading and Star Maths Assessment Metrics)
When you go to Explore for a Star Reading or Star Maths proficiency score metric, Renaissance Analytics includes standards-level data based on Star assessment results. This data can help you see how students are performing today, how their performance has changed over time, and how they likely will perform on tests in the future. This can help inform instructional and curricular adjustments across the school network, in specific schools, with specific years, or with groups of students.
For proficiency data, to choose to view by standard, use the Content drop-down list, choose Standard, and then tick the standards and select Save. To find specific standards quickly, you can type the name in the Content field. Once you save the selected standards, you can see the percentage and number of students who have achieved secure mastery for the standard. Secure mastery for each student represents 80-100% mastery.
The standards that are shown in Renaissance Analytics are those selected in the Learning Standards settings in Renaissance software. If the setting has been changed, or if the learning progression was updated over the summer, data from past years will not be shown.
If you choose many standards, one way to view the data more efficiently is to choose the table link or tile and view the data in table form.
If you prefer to stay in the graph view, it is helpful to focus on just a few standards at a time. To remove some of the standards, select the x to the right of the standards to clear the selections.
If you hover over a line or point on the graph, you can see more details, including the number of students who have achieved secure mastery.
Students do not need to be tested on an item on a specific standard in order for Star to generate a score for a standard. Mastery scores are based on the student's year and the student's Star score. Based on years of testing and decades’ worth of data on how students with the same scale score performed on the set of items each student encountered on the test, Renaissance estimates how all students would perform on all items. Regardless of which items a student interacts with, Star can generate scores for any standard that has any item data in the assessment item bank. Star can estimate a score of every standard even when there is no item in the Star assessment bank. Renaissance learning progressions include skills for every standard. By using Star item data for a subset of those skills, Renaissance can place every skill, and therefore every standard, on the same scale as Star. Additionally, even if a student is performing two years below their assigned year, with the data about how other students are performing, scores can be estimated at the assigned year.
View Data by Strand (for Star Reading and Star Maths Score Metrics)
Renaissance Analytics also lets you view proficiency data by strand (domain) so that you identify the areas in which students may need more instruction. Use the Content drop-down list, select Strand, tick the strands to include, and select Save.
If you hover over a line on the graph, you can see more details, including the percentage and number of students who have achieved secure mastery for the strand. Secure mastery for each student represents 80-100% mastery.
View Accelerated Reader Data by ATOS Book Level, Literary Category, or Quiz Type
For Accelerated Reader, Renaissance Analytics lets you view data by ATOS book level, literary category (fiction or non-fiction), or quiz type (Article, Literacy Skills, Reading Practice, or Vocabulary Practice Quizzes). This allows you to see how students perform based on book difficulty, the type of book, or the type of quiz.
In the Content drop-down list, select one of the options.
After you choose an option, tick the book levels, literary categories, or quiz types to include. Then, select Save.
In the graph view, you can hover over a line and time period (dot) on the graph to see specific information.
Table and distribution views are also available as described below.
Filter by Student Information and Characteristics or by School Data
Use the Filter By drop-down list to choose whether to filter by gender, ethnicity, years, Children from Service Families, EAL status, SEND Status, Looked After Status, Pupil Premium, Special Educational Needs Disability, school level, school region, or school. (Note that only the student information that has been entered in your Renaissance software is available for these filters.)
Depending on your selections, past data may include only students who are currently enrolled or both currently enrolled students and those who are no longer enrolled. If you filter or compare by current year or student characteristics, then only currently enrolled students with the values you select are included. For example, if you filter for students who are currently in year 5, then the data will show students who are currently enrolled and in year 5 now over the selected school years (when they were in previous years).
If you filter or compare only by gender or primary ethnicity, the data will include both students who are enrolled now and those who were enrolled in the past so that you can see if there were differences in performance by gender or ethnicity over time. This is also true when you filter or compare by school level and/or school region.
See Student Information and Characteristics for more about students’ information.
Compare By Student Information or Characteristics or by School Data
Use the Compare By drop-down list to choose to compare students by their information/characteristics, school level, school region, or school.
You can then hover over the items you are comparing to highlight them. You can hover over a point on the graph to see more information as shown below.
Other Views
Take advantage of the other views. For example, select Table to see the data in a table instead of a graph.
Or select Distribution to see distribution graphs instead of trend lines:
Each section of the stacked bars on the distribution graph includes the percentage and number of students included in that segment of results. This helps you deepen your analysis of results and compare percentages across time periods.
Print or Export Data
Whether you're viewing a table or a chart, you can use the two options at the top of the page to export the current view. The camera icon downloads the view as a PNG image file. The CSV icon
downloads a CSV file of data that you can open in a spreadsheet program.