The Student Profile dashboard provides a holistic view of an individual student’s performance over time. This is a great tool for meetings about student interventions and for conferences with students or parents. This dashboard includes students who are currently enrolled in schools and classes in the current school year on your Renaissance site.
When you select the Student Profile dashboard, you can see more about a specific student's information and test data.
Use the drop-down lists in the top right corner of the page to select a school and student. The schools you have access to depend on your role in the software; school leaders can only select their own schools.
At the top of the page, you can see the selected student's information and characteristics. Select Show more to see additional information.
Note: Free School Meals status will not show on the Student Profile, even if it is shown on the other dashboards based on your Student Characteristics settings. Other student data comes from information that has been entered in your Renaissance software; any information that has not been entered will not be shown here.
For Accelerated Reader, the Student Profile shows the number of quizzes the student took and the student's average percentage correct; both metrics show data from the past 28 days and previous 28-day time periods. The dark portion of the line on each graph shows the current school year; the lighter portion of the line shows the previous school year.
For Star Reading and Star Maths tests, the Student Profile shows the number of assessments completed, Percentile Rank, the KS2 SATs Benchmark score (1 being the lowest level), Student Growth Percentile (SGP), the time spent testing, and Reading Age. The dark line on each graph shows data from the current school year; the lighter line shows data from the previous school year. Hover over the circle for a score to see details.
Renaissance Analytics includes Star tests taken in one of the school network screening windows set up on the Multi-Academy Trust Renaissance site (not individual school sites). Only tests taken in a school network screening window are shown. If students have taken more than one test in a school network screening window, only the most recent test is included for benchmark metrics.
You can also get to the Student Profile dashboard by selecting a student's name on the Our Students dashboard.