Our Students offers insight into individual student performance on Accelerated Reader quizzes and Star assessments. The students included are those who are enrolled in schools and classes in the current school year on your Renaissance site.
For Accelerated Reader, the data is based on the past 28 days. For Star Reading and Star Maths, this dashboard displays data for each school for the most recent school network screening window in which any of the students tested in their current school. (This means that different categories may be showing data from different school network screening windows. Note that Star Student Growth Percentiles also use test data outside those screening windows.)
On this dashboard, you can sort or filter by students' metrics and/or student information. You can also create custom views that you can use again later.
Star assessments completed, Star Percentile Rank scores, Star KS2 SATs benchmark scores (national benchmarks), Reading Age, and Star time spent testing include students who have taken a test and gotten a benchmark score in one of the school network screening windows set on the Renaissance site for the Multi-Academy Trust. Only tests taken in a school network screening window are shown. If students have taken more than one test in a school network screening window, only the most recent test is included for these metrics.
Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) may include tests taken outside school network screening windows; for this reason, you may see the total number of students is higher for Student Growth Percentiles than for other scores. In Renaissance Analytics, Student Growth Percentile requires an Autumn test score, and the first Autumn test is used as the starting point. Since Star reports may use other tests as the starting point for Student Growth Percentile, the scores that you see in those reports may differ from those shown in Renaissance Analytics. For more information about Student Growth Percentile and Star, see Student Growth Percentile.
Viewing More Information
Move your mouse over the number to see more information about timeframes and the change in score. The color of the number or percentage in the popup also shows you which category it is part of for this metric.
Using the information on the increase or decrease in scores, you can monitor student progress, quickly assess outcomes for critical student populations (such as those who are receiving additional supports), and decide the best next steps to support your students and achieve strategic targets. For example, this information could help you see:
- which of your lowest-performing students improved since the last timeframe
- which students in literacy intervention made gains on the most recent assessment
- which students in a particular risk category saw further decline in outcomes
Based on this information, you may decide to select a subset of students for additional support. Using the filtering options described below, you can focus on students in specific categories or those with scores in a specific range and use the changes in scores to inform inquiry and decision-making for individual students, the school, and the school network.
Sorting and Filtering
To sort the students listed on this page by any of the metrics for reading or math, select the icon next to the column heading. When you first select the icon, the students on the dashboard will be sorted from highest to lowest value (
). If you select it again, students will be sorted from lowest to highest value (
). Select the icon once more to stop sorting the dashboard by that metric; the icon will change back to the down and up arrows
You can also use the drop-down lists at the top of the page to filter the list of students by school and demographics and by views that have been shared with you or views that you have created. (If you select a school, you will also see a drop-down list for teachers or sections.)
In the Demographics drop-down list, you can choose more than one demographic by ticking boxes in the drop-down list. Each item you select will be added above. (Note: You cannot filter by Free School Meals.)
To clear your selections, select the x to the right on each drop-down list, click the x for individual selected demographics, or select Clear All to the right of the drop-down lists.
Students' demographic information must be set in your Renaissance software to be available in Renaissance Analytics. If your school uses CDI, set year, gender, ethnicity, and characteristics in the source database (use values supported by Renaissance software). If your school does not use CDI, year, gender, and ethnicity are set when you add or edit students, and characteristics are set separately in Renaissance software.
Another way to filter the list is by score. For each score type shown, you will see a bar chart with different color segments. For Accelerated Reader, the Quizzes Taken segments represent 1-2 quizzes taken (yellow), 3-6 quizzes taken (light green), and 7 or more quizzes taken (dark green). The Average Percentage Correct segments represent less than 75% (red), 75%-84.9% (orange), 85%-94.9% (light green), and 95% or higher (dark green).
For Star Percentile Ranks and KS2 SATs Benchmark scores, segments represent each of the benchmark categories. For SGP, growth categories are used for the segments. For assessments completed, the segments represent students who have and have not been assessed. Segments are not shown for Reading Age. For more about benchmarks, see Star Reading and Star Maths Benchmarks in Renaissance Analytics.
When you hover over a segment, you will see the number of students who scored in that category and the total number. When you select a portion of the bar, you filter the list to students whose scores are in that category. (Note that Star scores are limited to the school network screening window that is being displayed, while Accelerated Reader data is limited to the past 28 days.) To clear a selection, select the Clear All button at the top of the page.
At times, you may notice differences between the number of students you see when you hover over a segment of the bar and the number of students who are listed on the page when you select a segment. This is because the list of students includes only students who are actively enrolled in your schools and classes now, while the numbers you see above the list include all students who were enrolled and tested at the time.
Adding a View
Once you have selected schools and classes, demographics, and/or segments for some metrics, you can save the view that you have created so that you can use the same selections in the future. Select Add New View to the right of or under the drop-down lists.
Then, in the Add New View window, enter a name and description and choose whether to share the view with school network administrators or school leaders. The sorting and filtering options you selected will be shown in the window. When you have finished, select Submit.
The views that you have added and views that have been shared with you are available in the Views drop-down list at the top of the page.
You can change or delete a view that you created by selecting View Settings above that drop-down list; then, make changes in the window that opens or select the delete icon.
Exporting Data
If you want to export the list you are viewing to a .csv file, select Export next to or below the drop-down lists; then, select Export in the window that opens. Be sure to protect sensitive student data; refer to your school network's policies for using, storing, and sharing the data. Note that exports are limited to 25,000 students.