The Our Schools dashboard offers insight into proficiency and growth based on the Accelerated Reader quizzes and Star assessments that students have taken.
Accelerated Reader Data
For Accelerated Reader, the Our Schools dashboard shows the number of active students and the overall quiz proficiency (percent correct) for the past 28 days. It also includes the number of quizzes passed in the current school year. For more information, see Accelerated Reader Data in Renaissance Analytics.
Star Reading and Star Maths Data
For Star Reading and Star Maths, the Our Schools dashboard displays students assessed, proficiency rates, and average time spent testing. For the school network, these are based on Star assessments taken in the most recent school network screening window that has completed assessments; for each school, data is based on the most recent school network screening window for which the school has Star assessment data. Proficiency rates include the percentage of proficient students for school network benchmarks and the percentage for the national benchmark (KS2 SATs).
The Our Schools Dashboard also shows the percent of students who made typical or high growth (Student Growth Percentiles of 35 or higher).
For more about proficiency rates and Student Growth Percentiles in Renaissance Analytics, see Star Reading and Star Maths Scores in Renaissance Analytics.
How the Data Is Shown
You will see data for the school network as a whole and for each individual school.
A dash means that there is no data for the school for the screening window. For Accelerated Reader this means the students have not completed any activities. For Star proficiency rates, this means students have not tested. For Student Growth Percentile, this may mean that students have not tested or that students do not have two separate tests available in the required timeframes.
If you move your mouse cursor over one of the percentages, you will see more information. In the example below, the Star Maths Proficiency Benchmark for a school (based on the school network benchmark) is 45%. This is based on the Spring school network screening window for the 2022-2023 school year. In that screening window, 20 students tested, and 9 of those students scored at or above the minimum benchmark proficiency level. Only students who have tested at the school in the screening window are included in the total (20 students in the example below).
You may need to scroll to the right to see some data. To do this, move the scrollbar at the bottom of the page to the right or left as needed. Below the scrollbar, you can also choose how many records to show on the page. If the data is split into multiple pages, you can use the arrows to see the next or previous page of data (or the first or last page).
Sorting the Data
By default the dashboard is sorted alphabetically by school name. You can sort it by any of the metrics by selecting the arrows to the right of the metric.
When you first select the icon, the schools on the dashboard will be sorted from highest to lowest value (). If you select it again, schools will be sorted from lowest to highest value (
). Select the icon once more to stop sorting the dashboard by that metric; the icon will change back to the down and up arrows
Using Filters
You can use the drop-down list at the top of the page to filter the list of students by student characteristics or information. In the drop-down list, you will see categories, and you can chose an item under any of those student information categories. In the example below, the administrator is choosing to filter to year 6.
If you want to go back to the data for all students, select the x next to the selected filter.
Students' information and characteristics must be set in your Renaissance software to be available in Renaissance Analytics. If your school uses CDI, set grade, gender, ethnicity, and characteristics in the source database. If your school does not use CDI, grade, gender, and ethnicity are set when you add or edit students or import student data in Renaissance; characteristics may be set separately in Renaissance software. Note that you cannot filter information by Free School Meals on the Our Schools dashboard.
Filters also allow you to focus on schools at specific levels or in a specific region. If you need to configure your schools to assign levels and regions, see the settings.
Opening a School Profile
Select a school's name to go to the School Profile dashboard for that school, which will show you tiles for each of the applicable metrics at the school and will allow you to explore the data further. For more information, see School Network and School Profiles.