Star Reading and Star Maths Questions
Why am I missing Star assessment data in Renaissance Analytics?
School network screening windows may have been changed or deleted on the Renaissance site for the Multi-Academy Trust. Note that only assessments taken in those school network screening windows are shown in Renaissance Analytics. For more information, see School Network Screening Windows and Renaissance Analytics.
The benchmark categories shown in Renaissance Analytics are not what I expect to see
See Star Reading and Star Maths Benchmarks in Renaissance Analytics for information about benchmarks.
Are deactivated Star tests included in Renaissance Analytics?
No. Tests that schools deactivate in the Star Record Book are not included in Renaissance Analytics.
If a student has mastery data for a standard, does that mean the student was assessed on the standard? Why might students show results for years other than their own (such as year 9 students showing year 11 standards)?
Students do not need to be tested on an item on a specific standard in order for Star to generate a score for a standard. Mastery scores are based on the student's year and the student's Star score. Based on years of testing and decades’ worth of data on how students with the same scale score performed on the set of items each student encountered on the test, Renaissance estimates how all students would perform on all items. Regardless of which items a student interacts with, Star can generate scores for any standard that has any item data in the assessment item bank. Star can estimate a score of every standard even when there is no item in the Star assessment bank. Renaissance learning progressions include skills for every included standard. By using Star item data for a subset of those skills, Renaissance can place every skill, and therefore every standard, on the same scale as Star. Additionally, even if a student is performing two years below assigned year, with the data about how other students are performing, scores can be estimated at the assigned year.
Also, for Star Reading, the student’s year may have been corrected after their most recent test, but the test score itself will reflect the assigned year at the time.